
Showing posts from August, 2023

Unlocking Intellectual Property: How to Leverage Patent Databases for Freedom to Operate Analysis

Image Leverage Patent Databases You have a new product ready to launch. But can you legally operate in your market without infringing on competitors' patents? Wise innovators turn to patent databases for freedom to operate (FTO) analysis before rollout. Follow these tips to utilize databases in your FTO assessments. Run Broad Keyword Searches: Keyword Searches Start by brainstorming broad keywords on your product's technology, features and functions. Use these to run wide patent searches across databases like Espacenet, USPTO and CIPO. Analyze the results for relevant competing IP. Drill Down with Advanced Search Techniques: Advanced Search Techniques Employ operators like AND, OR and NOT to refine searches and drill down to the most applicable patents. For example "wireless AND (charging OR power) NOT pad" retrieves highly targeted results. Save search strings for iteration. Stu...